Building an interpretable SDM from scratch

using Julia 1.9

Timothée Poisot

Université de Montréal


  • Build a simple classifier to predict the distribution of a species

  • No, I will not tell you which species, it’s a large North American mammal

  • Use this as an opportunity to talk about interpretable ML

  • Discuss which biases are appropriate in a predictive model

We care a lot about the


and only a little about the



… think of SDMs as a ML problem?

Because they are

… think of explainable ML for SDM?

Because model uptake requires transparency

… not tell us which species this is about?

Because this is the point (you’ll see)

Do try this at home!

💻 + 📔 + 🗺️ at

include(joinpath("code", "pkg.jl")); # Dependencies
include(joinpath("code", "nbc.jl")); # Naive Bayes Classifier
include(joinpath("code", "bioclim.jl")); # BioClim model
include(joinpath("code", "confusion.jl")); # Confusion matrix utilities
include(joinpath("code", "splitters.jl")); # Cross-validation (part one)
include(joinpath("code", "crossvalidate.jl")); # Cross-validation (part deux)
include(joinpath("code", "variableselection.jl")); # Variable selection
include(joinpath("code", "shapley.jl")); # Shapley values
include(joinpath("code", "palettes.jl")); # Accessible color palettes

Species occurrences

sightings = CSV.File("occurrences.csv")
occ = [
    (record.longitude, record.latitude)
    for record in sightings
    if record.classification == "Class A"
filter!(r -> -90 <= r[2] <= 90, occ)
filter!(r -> -180 <= r[1] <= 180, occ)
boundingbox = (
    left = minimum(first.(occ)),
    right = maximum(first.(occ)),
    bottom = minimum(last.(occ)),
    top = maximum(last.(occ)),

Bioclimatic data

We collect BioClim data from WorldClim v2, using SpeciesDistributionToolkit

provider = RasterData(WorldClim2, BioClim)
opts = (; resolution=2.5)
temperature = SimpleSDMPredictor(provider, layer=1; opts..., boundingbox...)

Bioclimatic data

We set the pixels with only open water to nothing

water = 
    SimpleSDMPredictor(RasterData(EarthEnv, LandCover), layer=12; boundingbox...)
land = similar(temperature, Bool)
replace!(land, false => true)
Threads.@threads for k in keys(land)
    if !isnothing(water[k])
        if water[k] == 100
            land[k] = false
temperature = mask(land, temperature)

Where are we so far?

Spatial thinning

We limit the occurrences to one per grid cell, assigned to the center of the grid cell

presence_layer = similar(temperature, Bool)
for i in axes(occ, 1)
    if ~isnothing(presence_layer[occ[i]...])
        presence_layer[occ[i]...] = true

Background points generation

We generate background points proportionally to the distance away from observations, but penalize the cells that are larger due to projection

possible_background =
    pseudoabsencemask(DistanceToEvent, presence_layer) *

And then we sample three pseudo-absence for each occurrence:

absence_layer = backgroundpoints(
    (x -> x^1.01).(possible_background), 

Background points cleaning

We can remove all of the information that is neither a presence nor a pseudo-absence

replace!(absence_layer, false => nothing)
replace!(presence_layer, false => nothing)

Data overview

Preparing the responses and variables

Xpresence = hcat([bioclim_var[keys(presence_layer)] for bioclim_var in predictors]...)
ypresence = fill(true, length(presence_layer))
Xabsence = hcat([bioclim_var[keys(absence_layer)] for bioclim_var in predictors]...)
yabsence = fill(false, length(absence_layer))
X = vcat(Xpresence, Xabsence)
y = vcat(ypresence, yabsence)

The model – Naive Bayes Classifier


\[ P(+|x) = \frac{P(+)}{P(x)}P(x|+) \]

Decision rule:

\[ \hat y = \text{argmax}_j \, P(\mathbf{c}_j)\prod_i P(\mathbf{x}_i|\mathbf{c}_j) \]

The model – Naive Bayes Classifier

Assumption of Gaussian distributions:

\[ P(x|+) = \text{pdf}(x, \mathcal{N}(\mu_+, \sigma_+)) \]


We keep an unseen testing set – this will be used at the very end to report expected model performance

idx, tidx = holdout(y, X; permute=true)

For validation, we will run k-folds

ty, tX = y[idx], X[idx,:]
folds = kfold(ty, tX; k=15, permute=true)
k = length(folds)

A note on cross-validation

All models share the same folds

we can compare the validation performance across experiments to select the best model

Model performance can be compared

we average the relevant summary statistics over each validation set

Testing set is only for future evaluation

we can only use it once and report the expected performance of the best model

Baseline performance

We need to get a sense of how difficult the classification problem is:

N_v0 = crossvalidate(naivebayes, ty, tX, folds)
B_v0 = crossvalidate(bioclim, ty, tX, folds, eps())

This uses an un-tuned model with all variables and reports the average over all validation sets. In addition, we will always use the BioClim model as a comparison.

Measures on the confusion matrix

BioClim NBC
FPR 0.3697 0.1406
FNR 0.0144 0.1734
TPR 0.9856 0.8266
TNR 0.6303 0.8594
TSS 0.6159 0.686
MCC 0.5339 0.6408

Variable selection

We add variables one at a time, until the Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient stops increasing:

available_variables = forwardselection(ty, tX, folds, naivebayes, mcc)

This method identifies 5 variables, some of which are:

  1. Mean Temp. of Coldest Quarter

  2. Mean Diurnal Range

  3. Annual Precip.

Variable selection?

  • Constrained variable selection

  • VIF threshold (over the extent or over document occurrences?)

  • PCA for dimensionality reduction v. Whitening for colinearity removal

  • Potential for data leakage: data transformations don’t exist, they are just models we can train

Model with variable selection

N_v1 = crossvalidate(naivebayes, ty, tX[:,available_variables], folds)
B_v1 = crossvalidate(bioclim, ty, tX[:,available_variables], folds, eps())

Measures on the confusion matrix

BioClim NBC BioClim (v.s.) NBC (v.s.)
FPR 0.3697 0.1406 0.6343 0.0727
FNR 0.0144 0.1734 0.0056 0.1594
TPR 0.9856 0.8266 0.9944 0.8406
TNR 0.6303 0.8594 0.3657 0.9273
TSS 0.6159 0.686 0.3601 0.7679
MCC 0.5339 0.6408 0.3488 0.7534

How do we make the model better?

The NBC is a probabilistic classifier returning \(P(+|\mathbf{x})\)

The decision rule is to assign a presence when \(P(\cdot) > 0.5\)

But \(P(\cdot) > \tau\) is a far more general approach, and we can use learning curves to identify \(\tau\)

Thresholding the model

thr = LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 500)
T = hcat([crossvalidate(naivebayes, ty, tX[:,available_variables], folds, t) for t in thr]...)

But how do we pick the threshold?

Tuned model with selected variables

N_v2 = crossvalidate(naivebayes, ty, tX[:,available_variables], folds, thr[m])

Measures on the confusion matrix

BioClim NBC BioClim (v.s.) NBC (v.s.) NBC (v.s. + tuning)
FPR 0.3697 0.1406 0.6343 0.0727 0.0737
FNR 0.0144 0.1734 0.0056 0.1594 0.1521
TPR 0.9856 0.8266 0.9944 0.8406 0.8479
TNR 0.6303 0.8594 0.3657 0.9273 0.9263
TSS 0.6159 0.686 0.3601 0.7679 0.7742
MCC 0.5339 0.6408 0.3488 0.7534 0.7572

How do we make the model better?

The NBC is a Bayesian classifier returning \(P(+|\mathbf{x})\)

The actual probability depends on \(P(+)\)

There is no reason not to also tune \(P(+)\) (jointly with other hyper-parameters)!

Joint tuning of hyper-parameters

thr = LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 55)
pplus = LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 45)
T = [crossvalidate(naivebayes, ty, tX[:,available_variables], folds, t; presence=prior) for t in thr, prior in pplus]
best_mcc, params = findmax(map(v -> mean(mcc.(v)), T))
τ = thr[params.I[1]]
ppres = pplus[params.I[2]]

Tuned (again) model with selected variables

N_v3 = crossvalidate(naivebayes, ty, tX[:,available_variables], folds, τ; presence=ppres)

Measures on the confusion matrix

BioClim NBC (v0) NBC (v1) NBC (v2) NBC (v3)
FPR 0.3697 0.1406 0.0727 0.0737 0.0735
FNR 0.0144 0.1734 0.1594 0.1521 0.1521
TPR 0.9856 0.8266 0.8406 0.8479 0.8479
TNR 0.6303 0.8594 0.9273 0.9263 0.9265
TSS 0.6159 0.686 0.7679 0.7742 0.7744
MCC 0.5339 0.6408 0.7534 0.7572 0.7575

Tuned model performance

We can retrain over all the training data

finalmodel = naivebayes(ty, tX[:,available_variables]; presence=ppres)
prediction = vec(mapslices(finalmodel, X[tidx,available_variables]; dims=2))
C = ConfusionMatrix(prediction, y[tidx], τ)

Estimated performance

Final model
FPR 0.0769
FNR 0.1432
TPR 0.8568
TNR 0.9231
TSS 0.7799
MCC 0.7593

Acceptable bias

  • false positives: we expect that our knowledge of the distribution is incomplete, and this is why we train a model

  • false negatives: wrong observations (positive in the data) may be identified by the model (negative prediction)

Prediction for each pixel

prediction = similar(temperature, Float64)
variability = similar(temperature, Float64)
uncertainty = similar(temperature, Float64)
Threads.@threads for k in keys(prediction)
    pred_k = [p[k] for p in predictors[available_variables]]
    bootstraps = [
            for samplemodel in samplemodels
    prediction[k] = finalmodel(pred_k)
    variability[k] = iqr(bootstraps)
    uncertainty[k] = entropy(prediction[k])

Tuned model - prediction

Tuned model - variability in output

Tuned model - entropy in probability

Tuned model - range

Predicting the predictions?

Shapley values (Monte-Carlo approximation): if we mix the variables across two observations, how important is the \(i\)-th variable?

Expresses “importance” as an additive factor on top of the average prediction (here: average prob. of occurrence)

Calculation of the Shapley values

shapval = [similar(first(predictors), Float64) for i in eachindex(available_variables)]
Threads.@threads for k in keys(shapval[1])
    x = [p[k] for p in predictors[available_variables]]
    for i in axes(shapval, 1)
        shapval[i][k] = shapleyvalues(finalmodel, tX[:,available_variables], x, i; M=50)
        if isnan(shapval[i][k])
            shapval[i][k] = 0.0

Importance of variables

varimp = sum.(map(abs, shapval))
varimp ./= sum(varimp)
shapmax = mosaic(argmax, map(abs, shapval[sortperm(varimp; rev=true)]))
for v in sortperm(varimp, rev=true)
    vname = variables[available_variables[v]][2]
    vctr = round(Int, varimp[v]*100)
    println("$(vname) - $(vctr)%")
Mean Temp. of Coldest Quarter - 38%
Annual Precip. - 20%
Precip. of Coldest Quarter - 18%
Mean Diurnal Range  - 12%
Precip. Seasonality  - 11%

There is a difference between contributing to model performance and contributing to model explainability

Top three variables

Most determinant predictor

Future predictions

  • relevant variables will remain the same

  • relevant \(P(+)\) will remain the same

  • relevant threshold for presences will remain the same

Future climate data (ca. 2070)

future = Projection(SSP370, CanESM5)
future_predictors = [
            provider, future;
            layer = l, opts..., boundingbox...,
            timespan=Year(2061) => Year(2080))
    for l in layers(provider)

Future climate prediction

future_prediction = similar(temperature, Float64)
Threads.@threads for k in keys(future_prediction)
    pred_k = [p[k] for p in future_predictors[available_variables]]
    if any(isnothing.(pred_k))
    future_prediction[k] = finalmodel(pred_k)

Tuned model - future prediction

Loss and gain in distribution

Change Area (10⁶ km²)
Expansion 1.732
No change 4.659
Loss 0.093

Tuned model - future range change

But wait…

What do you think the species was?

Human in the loop v. Algorithm in the loop


  • building a model is incremental

  • each step adds arbitrary decisions we can control for, justify, or live with

  • we can provide explanations for every single prediction

  • free online textbook (in development) at


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